Работы участников по заявленной тематике
Some Mathematical Problem of the Numerical Hydrodynamical Forecasting. V.A.Gordin. In Lectures of 2-nd Conferences of Young Scientists of the Hydrometeorological Service of USSR, pp.11-17 (1977)
To the Question about of Variational Adjustment of Meteorological Fields. V.A.Gordin. Meteorology and Hydrology, N12, pp.95-96 (1977) (Russian); 74-75 (English).
On Mixed Boundary Problem, Simulated Cauchy Problem. V.A.Gordin. Advances of Mathematical Sciences, v.33, N5, pp.181-182 (1978)(Russian) pp.189-190 (English).
On Mixed Boundary Problem for Barotropic Model. V.A.Gordin. ibid, pp.48-61
Projectors Using in Forecasting Schemes. V.A.Gordin. ibid, pp.79-96
On Upper Boundary Condition in Numerical Forecasting of Meteorological Elements. V.A.Gordin, B.K.Dolmatov. Meteorology and Hydrology, N9, pp.25-33 (Russian); pp.17-23 (English) (1979).
On Using the Full Absorption Condition in Atmosphere Models. V.A.Gordin. The GARP Program on Numerical Experimentation, N9, pp.59-61 (1979)
The Calculation Method for Temperature Flow to Soil on Temperature. V.A.Gordin. Meteorology and Hydrology, N1, pp.54-60 (1981) (Russian), pp.41-46 (English).
Boundary Condition of Waves Full Absorption, which Go Away from Prognostic Area for Difference Equation in Partial Derivatives. V.A.Gordin. Proceedings of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center, N242, pp.104-120 (1982)
Application of the Pade Vectorial-Approximation to the Numerical Solution of Evolutionary Forecasting Equations. V.A.Gordin. Meteorology and Hydrology, N11, pp.24-37 (1982) (Russian), pp.18-27 (English).
On the Stability According to Lyapunov of the Simplest Stationary Solutions of Forecasting Models. V.A.Gordin. Izvestia of USSR Academy of Sciences. ser. “The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, v.20, N5, pp.356-363 (1984) (Russian), pp.365-370 (English).
The Class of the Steady Soliton Solutions in Resonance Zonal Flow. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Izvestia of USSR Academy of Sciences. ser. “The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, v.20, N7, pp.645-648 (1984) (Russian), pp. 583-585 (English).
Quasigeostrophic Vortices Stable According to Lyapunov. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Doklady of USSR Academy of Sciences, v.285, N4, pp.857-861 (Russian), pp.1004-1008 (English) (1985).
Vertical Checking and Adjustment of Geopotential and Temperature Data. V.A.Gordin, E.A.Loktionova. Meteorology and Hydrology, N4, pp.20-27 (1986) (Russian), pp.14-20 (English).
The Continuity Equation in Media with Infinite Conductivity. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. JETP (Journal Experimental and Theoretical Physics) Letters, v.45, N5, pp.215-216, (1987). (Russian), pp. 266-267 (English).
The Gauge of Vector-Potential and Lyapunov-Stable MHD-Equilibrium. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Plasma Phys., v.13, N7, pp.124-131 (Russian), Sov. J. Plasma Phys. pp.509-511, (English) (1987)
Mathematical Problems of the Hydrodynamical Weather Forecasting. Analytical Aspects. V.A.Gordin. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 256p. (1987)
Mathematical Problems of the Hydrodynamical Weather Forecasting. Numerical Aspects. V.A.Gordin. ibid, 264p. (1987)
Sufficient Conditions for the Stability of Ideal Plasma. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics. Kiev. USSR. Proc. of Contributed Papers, v.3, pp.52-55 (1987) (English).
The Scheme of Objective Analysis Using Multivariate Optimal Interpolation of Geopotential and Wind Fields. A.N.Bagrov, V.A.Gordin, N.Yu.Ochan. Meteorology and Hydrology, N5, pp.42-51 (1988) (Russian), pp. 27-33 (English).
The Sufficient Condition for the Stability of Cylindrical Plasma. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Plasma Phys., v.15, N7, pp.240-246 (Russian), Sov. J. Plasma Phys. pp.140-141 (English) (1989)
Lyapunov Stability of MHD Equilibrium of a Plasma with Nonvanishing Pressure. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. JETP, v.68, N5, pp.1711-1722 (Russian), pp. 988-994 (English) (1989).
Lyapunov Stability of Incompressible Flow of Ideal Fluid. Swirl Flows in Pipe. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. Preprint of Institute Atomic Energy, Moscow, USSR (1990) (English). 19p.
The Nonlinear Stability of Ideal Plasma. V.A.Gordin, V.I.Petviashvili. In “Nonlinear Waves.3”, Nauka, (Russian), pp.112-117, (English). Springer Verlag, E pp.85-90 (1991).
An Operational Scheme of Objective Analysis in the Troposphere and Stratosphere. A.N.Bagrov, V.A.Gordin, M.D.Tsyroulnikov. Meteorology and Hydrology, N8, pp.37-45 (1990) (Russian), pp. 28-36 (English).
Mathematics, Computer, Weather Forecasting. V.A.Gordin. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 224p. (1991)
Toroidal Plasma Reactor with Low External Magnetic Field. A.D.Beklemishev, V.A.Gordin, R.R.Khayrutdinov, V.I.Petviashvili, T.Tajima. Preprint of University of Texas at Austin, DOE/ET - 53088 - 474, IFSR # 474, 29p. (1991); “Nucl. Fusion.”, v.33, N2, pp.237-249, (1993).
First Integrals and Stability of Stationary Currents for the Problem of Electron Magnetohydrodynamics. V.A.Gordin. Plasma Phys. v.20, N4, pp.116-117, (1994), pp.402-403 (English).
Optimization of Correlation Functions Structure as a Variational Calculation Problem. V.A.Gordin. Meteorology and Hydrology. N4, pp.39-45, (1994). (Russian), pp. 30-35 (English).
Optimization of Eigenvalue of the Schrodinger Equation with Respect to Potential. V.A.Gordin. Russian Journal Mathem. & Theoretical Physics. (1997) v.5, N4 pp.521-526 (English).
First Integrals of Evolution Systems and Non-linear Stability of Stationary Solutions for the Ideal Atmospheric, Oceanic, Hydrodynamical and Plasma Models. V.A.Gordin. Proc. Int. Conf. Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems, Zakopane, 1995; J. of Technical Phys. 1998, v.39 N2 pp.213-219 (English).
Variational Method of the Adaptation of the Information on the Conserving Value for Several Observation Times. V.A.Gordin. Izvestia of Russian Academy of Sciences. ser. ``The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, (1998) N2, pp.214-221 (Russian), pp.191-197 (English).
Synoptical Situations Separate Correlation Functions. V.A.Gordin. ``Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling” 27/865, pp.1.25-1.26, (1998).
The Most Unstable Profile of the Plane-Parallel Current in a Channel. V.A.Gordin. “Meccannica”, 2000, v.269, N1, pp.39-53.
Mathematical Problems and Methods in Hydrodynamical Weather Forecasting. V.A.Gordin. Gordon & Breach, 2000, 842p. (English).
3D Correlation Functions - Variational Problem. O.A.Alduchov, V.A.Gordin. ``Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling” 1999, N28, pp.1.1-1.2.
3-D Correlation Functions of Basic Upper-Air Parameters. O.A.Alduchov, V.A.Gordin. Izvestia of Russian Academy of Sciences. ser. ``The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, 2001, v.37, N1, pp.3-23 (Russian), 1-20 (English).
Time Series Analysis. V.A.Gordin. ``Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems”, (article, UNESCO.
Homogeneous Random Fields and Their Evaluation. V.A.Gordin. “Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems”, (article, UNESCO.
How It Should Be Computed? Mathematical Methods of Computer Assimilation of Information. V.A.Gordin. Moscow Center of Mathematical Continuous Education, 2005, 280p.
Evaluation of Correlation Structure’s Anisotropy for Meteorological Fields by Global Aerological Net’s Observations. O.A.Alduchov, V.A.Gordin. Izvestia of Russian Academy of Sciences. ser. ``The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, 2005, v. 43, №3, pp.399-409 (Russian), pp. 361-370 (English).
Ph.L. Bykov, V.A.Gordin. The objective analysis of three-dimensional geometry of atmospheric fronts. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, 2009 http://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/science/wgne/BlueBook/submitted-documents/02_Gordin_Vladimir_fronts.pdf
Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin Diagnosis of Atmospheric Fronts by Values of Meteorological Fields on a Regular Grid. Ser. Mathematical Simulation and Modern Informatical technologies, Issue 6. Modern Problem of Mathematical Simulation. Proceedings of XIII Russian School-Seminar. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Publishing, 2009, pp.129-137. Ф.Л.Быков, В.А.Гордин. Диагностика атмосферных фронтов по значениям метеополей на регулярной сетке. Серия “Математическое моделирование и современные информационные технологии”, выпуск 6. СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОГО МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ Сборник трудов XIII Всероссийской школы-семинара. Ростов-на-Дону, издательство Южного федерального университета, 2009. стр.129-137.
Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin. Objective Analysis of the Structure of Three-Dimensional Atmospheric Fronts. Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences. ser. ``The Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean”, 48(2), 2012 PP. 152-168 (English). SpringerLink: http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1134/S0001433812020053 Ф.Л.Быков, В.А.Гордин. Трехмерный объективный анализ структуры атмосферных фронтов. Известия РАН, сер. ”Физика атмосферы и океана” 48(2), 2012 стр.172-188 (Russian).
V.A.Gordin. Mathematics, Computer, Weather Forecasting, and Other Scenarios of Mathematical Physics (in Russian). M., Fizmatlit, 733p, 2010, 2012-2013. В.А.Гордин. Математика, компьютер, прогноз погоды и другие сценарии математической физики. М., ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 733 стр. 1-е изд. 2010, 2-е изд. 2012-2013.
O.A.Alduchov, Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin. Large Scale Correlation Functions for Earth Atmopshere. Yaroslavl Pedagogical J. Ser. Natural Sciences. №4 (2011) pp. 36-43 (in Russian). О.А.Алдухов, Ф.Л.Быков, В.А.Гордин. Крупномасштабные трехмерные корреляционные функции для атмосферы Земли. «Ярославский педагогический вестник, Серия Естественных наук», №4 (2011) стр. 36-43.
Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin. About Statistical Connection between Atmospheric Fronts And Precipitation. Proceedings of Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, 2012, issue 348, pp. 184-194 (in Russian). Ф.Л.Быков, В.А.Гордин. О статистической связи атмосферных фронтов и осадков. Труды гидрометеорологического научно-исследовательского центра Российской Федерации, 2012, вып. 348, с. 184—194.
V.A.Gordin, E.A.Tsymbalov. Compact difference schemes for the diffusion and Schrodinger equations. Proceedings of XV Russian conference – school for young scientists, 2013, Abrau-Durso. Mathematical Simulation and Modern Informational Technologies, Issue 12 Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Publishing, 2013, pp.63-72. Гордин В. А., Цымбалов Е. А. Компактные разностные схемы для уравнений диффузии и Шрёдингера // Труды XV Всероссийской конференции-школы молодых исследователей. Современные проблемы математического моделирования. 16-21 сентября 2013, Абрау-Дюрсо: труды конференции. — (Математическое моделирование и современные информационные технологии), Вып. 12 — Ростов н/Д: Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2013. — 296 С. 63-72.
A.N.Bagrov, Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin (2014) Complex forecast of surface meteorological parameters. Meteorology and Hydrology №5, pp.5-16 (Russian), 283-291 (English). 96 V.A. Gordin, E.A.Tsymbalov. Compact difference schemes for the diffusion and Schrodinger equations. Approximation, stability, convergence, effectiveness, monotony // Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 32, No.3, 2014, pp. 348-370. http://www.global-sci.org/jcm/galley/JCMCR-14.pdf 97 V.A.Gordin. Correlation functions of Meteorological Fields. How They Should Be Evaluated And How They Can Be Used. Turbulence, Atmosphere, and Climate Dynamics. Collected Papers of the International Conference dedicated to the memory of academician A.M.Obukhov. Moscow, GEOS, 2014 (in Russian). В.А.Гордин. Корреляционные функции метеополей: как их оценивать и какая от них польза. «Турбулентность, динамика атмосферы и климата». Сборник трудов международной конференции, посвященной памяти академика А.М.Обухова. М. «ГЕОС», 2014.
Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin. Forecasting Moscow Ambulance Trips. Preprint NRU - HSE, WP BRP 36/STI/2015, 2015. http://www.hse.ru/data/2015/04/01/1096702808/36STI2015.pdf
Ph.L.Bykov, V.A.Gordin. Calls Forecast for the Moscow Ambulance Service. The Impact of Weather Forecast. Numerical Algebra with Applications - Proceedings of Fourth China-Russia Confrerence. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Publishing, 2015, pp. 17 -20.
V.A.Gordin, E.A.Tsymbalov. Compact Difference Schemes for Rod Lateral Vibrations Equation. Numerical Algebra with Applications - Proceedings of Fourth China-Russia Confrerence. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Publishing, 2015, pp.110 -113.
V.A.Gordin. Differential and Finite-Difference Equations. What Are Phenomena That They Described And How They Should Be Solved, “Publisher House of Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, 2016, 530p. В.А.Гордин. Дифференциальные и разностные уравнения. Какие явления они описывают и как их решать, «Издательский дом ВШЭ», М., 2016, 530 стр.. https://youtu.be/ciWOWl-Cb3k